Provenge (TM) for the Treatment of Hormone Sensitive Prostate Cancer (PROTECT)

針對症狀 Prostate Cancer
臨床試驗編號 NCT00779402
臨床階段 Phase III
臨床試驗位址 58 Study Locations
目前研究進度 This study is ongoing, but not recruiting participants.
試驗開始日期 October 22, 2008
試驗開始日期 October 26, 2011

The PROTECT-PROvenge Treatment and Early Cancer Treatment trial is a Phase IIIB trial for patients with hormone sensitive prostate cancer. The study is being conducted at over 15 participating centers throughout the US. The purpose of the study is to determine if Provenge is effective for treatment of early stage, non-metastatic prostate cancer. If you have rising PSA after radical prostatectomy, but have no evidence yet of metastasis, you may be eligible. The study compares the active vaccine to placebo (your dendritic cells that were not activated in the laboratory) to determine whether the product delays the time until the cancer progresses.


